Online Video Offers Advantages for Internet Marketers

You may or may not have heard Online Video is a powerful marketing tool and it’s creating some amazing opportunities for online businesses.

Yahoo! has a video library here while Google took the approach of displaying videos in a more traditional search results page

Why is online video such a revolution within the Internet community? Because, with all of the advances in Internet technology and user friendly software, delivering quality video across the Internet is no longer difficult, time consuming or expensive.

Needless to say, this creates an ideal scenario for online marketers, in the classic demand exceeds supply scenario.

There are literally millions of web designer’s world wide delivering content, in the form of text, to the Internet every day. This makes it exceedingly difficult to attain high search engine rankings in the traditional sense of delivering quality content that’s relevant and reliable, and having your page show up in the top 10 on Google, Yahoo! or MSN.

With online video however, the field is still relatively unsaturated, where only the most compelling content developers are able to deliver quality video across the Internet. Like every major leap forward in technology, the window of opportunity is closing. Very soon hordes of developers and designers will flood the Industry with video content to fill the void.

Until that happens, this frontier is available to those who have vision, are willing to take a risk and make the investment to deliver video to their audience. For those online businesses who all ready have video online and for those who have the foresight to dive into this area of Internet technology, this is an incredible opportunity to gain a significant advantage over your competition.